Friday, February 4, 2011

Query To See Objects Included In Project

Run the following query to get all the objects included in the Project.
SELECT projectname,
       DECODE(objecttype, '2', 'Field',
                          '0', 'Record',
                          '5', 'Page',
                          '6', 'Menu',
                          '8', 'Record Peoplecode',
                          '10', 'Query',
                          '17', 'Business Process',
                          '18', 'Activities',
                          '20', 'Process Definition',
                          '25', 'Message Catalog',
                          '30', 'SQL',
                          '33', 'App Engine',
                          '44', 'Page Peoplecode',
                          '49', 'Image',
                          '46', 'Component Peoplecode',
                          '47', 'Component Record Peoplecode',
                          '48', 'Component Rec Fld Peoplecode',
                          '4', 'Translate Values',
                          '7', 'Component',
                          '43', 'App Engine Steps',
                          '11', 'Trees',
                          '13', 'Access Group',
                          '53', 'Permission List',
                          '19', 'Role',
                          '58', 'Application package peoplecode',
                          '55', 'Portal Registry Structure',
                          '50', 'Style Sheet',
                          '57', 'Application class',
                          '51', 'Html',
                          '34', 'App Engine Section',
                          '56', 'URL DEfinition',
                          '32', 'Component Interface',
                          '37', 'Messages',
                          '36', 'Message Channel',
                          '40', 'Subscription PeopleCode',
                          '38', 'Approval RuleSet') object_type,
       ( objectvalue1
          || '.'
          || objectvalue2
          || '.'
          || objectvalue3 )                         objectname
FROM   psprojectitem
WHERE  projectname = 'Project Name'
       AND objectid2 <> 102
       AND objecttype <> 0
        OR ( projectname = 'Project Name'
             AND objectid2 <> 102
             AND objecttype = 0
             AND objectid2 <> 2 )
ORDER  BY object_type; 


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