Saturday, April 23, 2011

Code to Schedule App Engine through PeopleCode

The following code can be used to schedule App Engine Through PeopleCode.

Local ProcessRequest &MYRQST;
&MyAppName = "TEST_AE";
&MYRQST = CreateProcessRequest("Application Engine", &MyAppName);
&MYRQST.RunControlID = "TEST";
&MYRQST.RunLocation = "PSUNX";
If &MYRQST.Status = 0 Then /* if Schedule status is success */

Query for PeopleSoft Project items


When 0 then 'Records'
When 1 then 'Indexes'
When 2 then 'Fields'
When 3 then 'Field Formats'
When 4 then 'Translate Values'
When 5 then 'Pages'
When 6 then 'Menus'
When 7 then 'Components'
When 8 then 'Record PeopleCode'
When 9 then 'Menu PeopleCode'
When 10 then 'Queries'
When 11 then 'Tree Structures'
When 12 then 'Trees'
When 13 then 'Access Groups'
When 14 then 'Colors'
When 15 then 'Styles'
When 16 then 'Business Process Maps'
When 17 then 'Business Processes'
When 18 then 'Activities'
When 19 then 'Roles'
When 20 then 'Process Definitions'
When 21 then 'Server Definitions'
When 22 then 'Process Type Definitions'
When 23 then 'Job Definitions'
When 24 then 'Recurrence Definitions'
When 25 then 'Message Catalogue Entries'
When 26 then 'Dimensions'
When 27 then 'Cube Definitions'
When 28 then 'Cube Instance Definitions'
When 29 then 'Business Interlink'
When 30 then 'SQL'
When 31 then 'File Layout Definitions'
When 32 then 'Component Interfaces'
When 33 then 'Application Engine Programs'
When 34 then 'Application Engine Sections'
When 35 then 'Message Nodes'
When 36 then 'Message Channels'
When 37 then 'Messages'
When 38 then 'Approval Rule Sets'
When 39 then 'Message PeopleCode'
When 40 then 'Subscription PeopleCode'
When 41 then 'unused'
When 42 then 'Comp. Interface PeopleCode'
When 43 then 'Application Engine PeopleCode'
When 44 then 'Page PeopleCode'
When 45 then 'Page Field PeopleCode'
When 46 then 'Component PeopleCode'
When 47 then 'Component Record PeopleCode'
When 48 then 'Component Rec Fld PeopleCode'
When 49 then 'Images'
When 50 then 'Style Sheets'
When 51 then 'HTML'
When 52 then 'unused'
When 53 then 'Permission Lists'
When 54 then 'Portal Registry Definitions'
When 55 then 'Portal Registry Structures'
When 56 then 'URL Definitions'
When 57 then 'Application Packages'
When 58 then 'Application Package PeopleCode'
When 59 then 'Portal Registry User Homepages'
When 60 then 'Analytic Types'
When 61 then 'Archive Templates'
When 62 then 'XSLT'
When 63 then 'Portal Registry User Favourites'
When 64 then 'Mobile Pages'
When 65 then 'Relationships'
When 66 then 'CI Property PeopleCode'
When 67 then 'Optimization Models'
When 68 then 'File References'
When 69 then 'File Type Codes'
When 70 then 'Archive Object Definitions'
When 71 then 'Archive Templates (Type 2)'
When 72 then 'Diagnostic Plug-Ins'
When 73 then 'Analytic Models'
When 74 then 'unused'
When 75 then 'Java Portlet User Preferences'
When 76 then 'WSRP Remote Producers'
When 77 then 'WSRP Remote Portlets'
When 78 then 'WSRP Cloned Portlets Handles'
When 79 then 'Services'
When 80 then 'Service Operations'
When 81 then 'Service Operation Handlers'
When 82 then 'Service Operation Versions'
When 83 then 'Service Operation Routings'
When 84 then 'IB Queues'
When 85 then 'XMLP Template Defn'
When 86 then 'XMLP Report Defn'
When 87 then 'XMLP File Defn'
When 88 then 'XMLP Data Src Defn'
Else 'Unknown' END) As ObjectType

Sunday, April 10, 2011

PeopleTools 8.5x - Windows - Missing or invalid version of SQL library PSORA (200,0)

PeopleSoft Application Server fails to start on a Windows system where the PeopleTools version is 8.50. Specifically, the PSAPPSRV process generates an initialization error when booting. The following messages are logged to the APPSRV log:

PSAPPSRV.2692 (0) [01/26/10 14:10:10](0) Cache Directory being used: C:\Documents and Settings\hrtuxedo\psft\pt\8.50\appserv\dmo91\CACHE\PSAPPSRV_2\
PSAPPSRV.2692 (0) [01/26/10 14:10:10](1) GenMessageBox(200, 0, M): PS General SQL Routines: Missing or invalid version of SQL library PSORA (200,0)
PSAPPSRV.2692 (0) [01/26/10 14:10:10](1) GenMessageBox(0, 0, M): Database Signon: Could not sign on to database DMOHR191 with user PS.
PSAPPSRV.2692 (0) [01/26/10 14:10:10](0) Server failed to start
PSADMIN.3116 (0) [01/26/10 14:10:17](0) End boot attempt on domain dmo91
The first logged error message refers to an invalid or missing PSORA library file. This message indicates that the PSAPPSRV process is not able to load the library. It may be that it cannot locate it or that the library located is not compatible with this current version of Tools.


PeopleTools 8.5x has been certified to run on 64bit Windows platforms but the program itself is 32bit. This means that any library it needs to load also needs to be 32bit.

The Oracle client lib 'PSORA' for instance, must be the 32bit version rather than the 64bit version.

If you have the 64bit Oracle client installed please uninstall it and install the 32bit version. Also, make sure the 'Add to Path' entry in the psappsrv.cfg file reflects the 32 bit binaries location.

If PSAPPSRV is successfully loading the PSORA library then you will not see this logged message:

GenMessageBox(200, 0, M): PS General SQL Routines: Missing or invalid version of SQL library PSORA (200,0)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ORA-12560 "TNS protocol adapter error" (Tns: Protocol Adapter Error Ora-12560 Connecting Via Sqlplus)

Cause:  The ORACLE_SID is not set in the environment


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps (for Multiple Oracle Homes Or One oracle Home):
ORACLE_SID variables should only be set in the appropriate registry key that corresponds to the software installation. In this case it should be set back to Original (old) instance name for taking it as default ORACLE_SID.

For 8i and 9i, this would be:

For 10g and 11g, this would be:


You may execute the following steps (If only one Oracle Home installed ) to set variables at system level :

1. Go to: My Computer >> right click >> Properties >> Advanced >> Env variables >> System

2. Add new variable

3. Enter ORACLE_SID as the variable name

4. Enter the database sid as the value