Below code can be used to avoid use of SQLExec.
SQLExec Code:
SQLExec to copy a row from ORD_HDR to ORD_HDR_EXT.
SQLExec("select %timeout(order_dt), training_loc, vendor_cd, order_status, status_dt, deliver_method from ps_ord_hdr
where order_nbr = :1", &ORD_NO, &ORD_DT, &TRAIN_LOC,&VEND_CD, &ORD_STAT, &STAT_DT, &SHIP_VIA);
SQLExec("delete from ps_ord_hdr_ext where order_nbr = :1", &ORD_NO);
SQLExec("insert into ps_ord_hdr_ext (order_nbr, order_dt,training_loc, vendor_cd, order_status, status_dt,
deliver_method) values(:1,%datein(:2),:3,:4,:5,:6,:7)",&ORD_NO, &ORD_DT, &TRAIN_LOC, &VEND_CD, &ORD_STAT, &STAT_DT,&SHIP_VIA);
Same logic using Object Based code:
Local Record &REC1, &REC2;
&REC1 = GetRecord(RECORD.ORD_HDR);
&REC2 = CreateRecord(RECORD.ORD_HDR_EXT);
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