Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to embed videos into a Peoplesoft system

To show/play a video on the PeopleSoft page, you don't have to copy the video to PeopleSoft. Instead, it just needs to be available from a web server and then you just use an iframe, flash player, or whatever object/embed html is required for the media type.
The way you embed the video depends on your tools release. If it is 8.49 or earlier, you will have to modify the delivered page. If it is 8.50, you can create an HTML based Pagelet Wizard pagelet and then configure the PeopleSoft page/component to use this pagelet in related content. If you have PeopleTools 8.51, then you can either use related content as in 8.50 or you can configure the page/component to be a work center and display the pagelet wizard pagelet in the work center. The great thing about these 8.50/51 options is that they are configurations that survive an upgrade.
If the videos are already available on an internal site, then you can just source that content, you don't have to copy it into your PeopleSoft web server. If they don't, then just put the videos in the PORTAL directory of your web server installation. You should probably create a new sub directory of the PORTAL directory and put them in that new directory.
Using a separate web server (apache, nginx, IIS etc) for hosting the videos would be a lot better though. If you are using load balanced web servers, you would have to put the videos on every prod instance of the load balanced web servers.

Source: Oracle support [Doc ID: 1327375.1]

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Query to find the 10 Largest Objects in DB

BYTES/1024/1024/1024 GB,
order by 3 desc
ROWNUM <= 10

Friday, November 4, 2011

Query to remove HTML Tags from Rich Text Long edit box

Below query used to remove HTML tags from Rich text box field.
Note: Above query only works on Oracle database.